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Tag Archives: Music

Music 2011

  Music in 2011 was good. like really freaking good. this is a list of the stuff i heard and liked. it’s pretty punk heavy this year but hopefully there’ll be something on this list you will enjoy. so without further ado, here goes:   In no particular order…                       ...

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Music 2010

Ah the end of year music best-of list – first off, a disclaimer: I was always under the impression that I actually did one of these on a yearly basis – however looking back over my post history it seems to be that I’ve basically made this fact up in my head and can’t seem to find any previous ones. ...

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The FAT Website Show – The Vodcast: Part Two

Here’s the other half of the vodcast from last week. Next week, I should hopefully be able to update the site a lot more.  Jen’s off to a three-day conference down at the Gold Coast so I’ll have a lot of time on my hands. Have a good weekend! The Vodcast: Part Two The FAT Website crew discuss their favourite ...

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Rainy Saturdays

Woke up to the sound of rain this morning. It was very peaceful… I could have stayed there snuggled up under the covers forever. In fact, I think I probably should have considering the productivity of my day so far. Which would be very little. I’ve spent all afternoon flicking through my CD’s trying to find something appropriate for my ...

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Good Stories

So i was talking to my friend in England about an incident that happened the other day involing one of my friends bands from Norwich, Bleed13, and the internationally known Lost Prophets: So apparently Bleed13 were up in Leeds playing at some show when they managed to blag some free backstage passes for a LP gig… Whilst hanging around backstage ...

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I went snowboarding today. It was cool.

Sorry Pat. So yeah, I haven’t updated in a while. Here goes all the random thoughts I have accumulated over the past 2 months or so. Valentines day licks my ballsack. I felt like I was in one of those goddam priceless commericals. here goes: I had bought this girl two (2) dozen roses, and a card and the best ...

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Badger Mushroom Snake

My remix of Weebl’s badger song is #1 for the second week running in the Australian Digital Music Rave Charts on, and moves up one to #3 in the Techno Charts! As part of my psychology degree, psych students are expected to complete a number of hours acting as guinea pigs for fourth-year- and honours-student’s projects before they are ...

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Everybody sing along with the anthems of our generation

I have an awesome story to tell. I went to a bar downtown last night called the Wildcat Lounge, because my friend’s band Farrago were playing (who by the way are awesome and you should check em out, they have mp3s on Anyway, after the show I am sat at the bar, and who the fuck should walk in…. ...

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